Thursday 22 December 2016

These are much simpler to create than they look

For the holidays, you can create your own little Christmas house to place amongst them. I painted mine white, but you could easily go for a creme colour or a contrasting blue, and then do the next steps using white. Use swooping and curving motions, much like ivy climbing up a house.

You can say O you should ask out every woman after years of being bullied and then having the few women I asked out reject me that is not something I can do.
(20 December 2016)

I am not choosing this life style its being forced on me.
(20 December 2016)

Am I protected from pregnancy?
(20 December 2016)

Am I now protected from pregnancy if I were to have sex without a condom?
(20 December 2016)

I missed two day of my birth control in the first week but have since taken a full 7 days on time.
(20 December 2016)

Three dates over the span of 2 months. Is it a sign of disinterest?
(20 December 2016)

We still talk over text and Snapchat, but is this a bad sign that she cancels, reschedules, and doesn't actively try to follow through, make more plans, or hint at meeting up, etc?
(20 December 2016)

I won't try to reschedule again until January.
(20 December 2016)

She canceled the 4th date twice due to finals week in graduate school, and as the holiday season approaches, I'm going out of state.
(20 December 2016)

I feel like everyone talks behind my back?
(20 December 2016)

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