Tuesday 11 December 2018

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I get aroused when I see her in nice clothes if see her in cleavage .
(9 December 2018)

Is this a weird reason to be depressed?
(9 December 2018)

Now I got the cold and I'm more sad.
(9 December 2018)

Because I saw guys asking girls to see their books and acted so excited by it.
(9 December 2018)

I always ask her mum how she getting her mum says she grand I get feeling her mum thinks might fancy her I do ask how her daugher nearly everytime see her.
(9 December 2018)

Her mum and dad are found of me se smiles like Iam her boyfriend when she sees me always sweet around flicking her hair.
(9 December 2018)

I plan to write a cute letter to go along with it, and just need a good gift to go along.
(9 December 2018)

I'm dating this amazing guy and need a good present.
(9 December 2018)

When she in public always asking me how I am and how am and one time called my phone ugly think took out my hands look does that indicate she does fancy me bit.
(9 December 2018)

I am in love with a hooker?
(9 December 2018)

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