Saturday 3 March 2018

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

How to get a man approach you first?
(1 March 2018)

How can I make him approach me first or let him know I want to be approach (by not being flirty).
(1 March 2018)

I am also a shy person and don't really like to approach him first, and all I keep on doing is avoiding him instead.
(1 March 2018)

I've been catching his stares n looks, for multiple times.
(1 March 2018)

My crush is distracting me from my school work?
(1 March 2018)

I have a crush in one of my periods, I invited her to prom, and now I cant focus on any of my school work or enjoy what I used to, I am becoming more stressed and now my grades are starting to suffer.
(1 March 2018)

Can touching someone sexual being to convey a strong connection to the person?
(1 March 2018)

Did I just ruin my chances of being with her?
(1 March 2018)

This made her laugh and worry about me.
(1 March 2018)

I blushed so much and I didn't know what to do and say so I ran towards the pole and I hit it accidentally.
(1 March 2018)

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