Saturday 15 April 2017

Although I am not a linguist but pretty interested in East Asian languages due to my background

Maison de Verre: Koguryo: The Language of Japan's Continental Relatives by C.I. Beckwith gives a model account of the surviving language material and shows Koguryo is definitely related to Japanese. He also has some very interesting theoretical chapters, especially the one on word frequency and retention rates.

My friend keeps faking mental illnesses for attention. What should I do?
(14 April 2017)

I want to confront her on it but everytime I even HINT that she is faking it, she goes off.
(14 April 2017)

She started faking her mental illnesses when this guy that she likes said he had one and so she started saying she had one as well.
(14 April 2017)

Even at school theres absolutely nothing wrong with her.
(14 April 2017)

And I know some people are gonna be like 'Well, how would you know that?
(14 April 2017)

She does it all for attention and I am just tired of it.
(14 April 2017)

What are some affordable adoption agencies?
(14 April 2017)

I know adoption isn't for everyone and is going to be hard for someone of my age, but I'm up for a challenge.
(14 April 2017)

I know having a child isn't easy and is also expensive and it's a huge responsibility, but I was wondering what are some affordable agencies willing to work with an 18 year old either in the state of Alaska or the state of Hawaii.
(14 April 2017)

How does one get a girlfriend?
(14 April 2017)

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