Sunday 16 April 2017

The Most Important Mentality You Need To Be A Master at Anything

But the teacher must not forget that the greatest teachers are the ones who never stop being students. Because a master never gets stagnant. A master evolves and always tries to get better at their craft. When you become stagnant, others overtake you. When you become stagnant, you become redundant and irrelevant.

They confided in me with all of their problems to the point that there are a few cases where it gets really scary, but I always help them out in the end.
(15 April 2017)

Of course, as we got closer, things started get rough.
(15 April 2017)

I've been friends with this person online for awhile, and they're such a lovely person who deserves better.
(15 April 2017)

At what age can children start sleeping on their backs?
(14 April 2017)

Ok so I was confused start them off by sleeping on their back first then progress to the stomach....
(14 April 2017)

Could Barrel be a name for a child?
(15 April 2017)

Its more for children kind of story, so is Barrel a okay name?
(15 April 2017)

The name is for a short story I'm working on.
(15 April 2017)

Lol okay before you rip my head off, I'm not having a baby and I would never name a kid Barrel anyways.
(15 April 2017)

I don't know why it bothers me?
(15 April 2017)

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