Wednesday 21 December 2016

An obvious early part of the method is to discard things

I'm struck by the delightful Marie Kondo approach to tidying, which fundamentally involves only keeping things that spark joy. That's about where I am now, although there's another part that says put all of a certain category together in one place. However, I could, with a little bit of re-arrangement, re-park a car in there now.

He said he liked talking to me and that we should keep talking, but he wasn't capable of a relationship.
(19 December 2016)

Recently he asked if I liked him and said it had been on his chest for a few months.
(19 December 2016)

So I've been talking to this guy for a few months on a pretty regular basis.
(19 December 2016)

The same night, my dad told me to help her brush her teeth, so I put her berry toothpaste on her toothbrush and gave it to her.
(19 December 2016)

I have to watch my 4 yr old sister EVERY DAY and she behaves so badly.
(19 December 2016)

I have no way of communication with my friends and they won't even let me give my friends (that are girl) my phone number.
(19 December 2016)

If they find any other website (e.g. calculator, game websites, anything else) I get in serious trouble.
(19 December 2016)

My mom approves of him but when I hang with him, my mom always has to be there (I understand because he is an older boy). They always check my browser history to make sure I'm only either on the school website.
(19 December 2016)

How to politely and correctly respond to being rejected to a dance?
(19 December 2016)

Why does my dad throw away my clothes?
(19 December 2016)

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