Thursday 22 December 2016

Marine bro was a hot little potato regarding a certain Mr

In my old life, this is something called multiple source corroboration. MEDINA rubbed him the wrong way during their conversation. He asked me to check out MEDINA, so we did a little homework and boy oh boy, we found some gems. Sitting 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Has that ever happened to anyone?
(21 December 2016)

The first day it was a blood clot then no more bleeding that day and for the last 5 days it's been brown blood and not so much.
(21 December 2016)

I know this is TMI (too much information) but I need advice or something.
(21 December 2016)

Now I'm kindof scared too, because if I am this will be my first child at the age of 24. The other problem is, I think that I'm on my period.
(21 December 2016)

They've all said that I'm the early stages of pregnancy.
(21 December 2016)

I didn't tell them that I had other readings just to see what they would say.
(21 December 2016)

I can't pronounce my own name?
(21 December 2016)

I can't pronounce it well, yet it is a pretty simple name.
(21 December 2016)

I dread saying my name and hate when people ask me what my name is.
(21 December 2016)

I have always had trouble prouncing the letter R and my name has two of them.
(21 December 2016)

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