Monday 31 October 2016

Everybody was probably pretty upset with that guy

However, the phone has a teeny design flaw: it tends to burst into flames. Exploding batteries have been a problem since the product launched, prompting Samsung to recall 2.5 million phones in September. The problem is lithium is highly reactive. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites.

Also told me, im going to hell and shes going to stab my bf.Shes still angry at me and its been a week so far, she has taken my phone and any electronic device.
(31 October 2016)

She cursed at me, called me a whore.
(31 October 2016)

Should I forgive or forget her?
(31 October 2016)

Two year too late happy birthday??
(31 October 2016)

Am I just looking into it too much?
(31 October 2016)

That's sweet and all but even when we went out he never told me happy birthday haha Why would he have a sudden change of heart?
(31 October 2016)

He messed me on facebook today and told me hey I just wanted to tell you happy birthday he does know what day it is back home but where he is it's my birthday and hope you have a great day.
(31 October 2016)

My ex who I've been broken up with for almost two years is in the Middle East right now (Marine) he has had a girlfriend for about a year an a half?
(31 October 2016)

Would you DATE AND be in a relationship with someone WHO MAKES UNDER $35,000 a year?
(31 October 2016)

THE ECONOMY IS TOUGH AND JOBS ABOVE 35,000 a year is scarce.
(31 October 2016)

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