Sunday 30 October 2016

The majority of his supporters will vote for Trump

The giveaway to these psychological ploys is the word, war. This indicates what most of us already know, if there is a fair election in November, Trump will win in a landslide. And if anything, Johnson and Stein will take votes away from HRC, not Trump. So far, Trump has received at least a 70% approval rating in all polling and has been as high as 90% in some areas.

I ve been blessed with an 18m old who fights sleep bad.
(29 October 2016)

How long does it take for your body to stop producing breastmilk after you stop breastfeeding?
(29 October 2016)

I don t get it I havent stimutated since then and haven t pumped or nursed...when will my body stop producing milk?
(29 October 2016)

Now it s 5 days later and I m still having let downs.
(29 October 2016)

I was engorged for 2 and then noticed a clogged duct so I hand expressed a little to loosen it.
(29 October 2016)

I quit breastfeeding cold turkey 5 days ago.
(29 October 2016)

Break through bleeding? Never happened before?
(29 October 2016)

I saw that those are signs of endometriosis.
(29 October 2016)

And i'm also obsessed with sugar and get cold easily.
(29 October 2016)

I'm also coming down from bein extremely stressed and anxious about being pregnant.
(29 October 2016)

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